My routing specs for rspec give unclear error back. In expected params v/s the real param the id param is at reversed position. Why and how to resolve?
require "spec_helper"
describe GameController do
describe "routing" do
game = FactoryGirl.create(:game)
it "routes to #show" do
get("/game/1").should route_to("game#show", :id => 1)
This throws error:
1) gameController routing routes to #show
Failure/Error: get("/game/1").should route_to("game#show", :id => 1)
The recognized options <{"action"=>"show", "controller"=>"game", "id"=>"1"}> did not match <{"id"=>1, "controller"=>"game", "action"=>"show"}>, difference:.
<{"id"=>1, "controller"=>"game", "action"=>"show"}> expected but was
<{"action"=>"show", "controller"=>"game", "id"=>"1"}>.
# ./spec/routing/game_routing_spec.rb:11:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
Rails parses the parameters as strings, not integers, so params[:id]
is really being assigned "1"
instead of 1
Try expecting a string instead:
get("/game/1").should route_to("game#show", :id => "1")