
rewrite rules in wordpress are not updated after flushing

I have added this function to rewrite some rules in wordpress:

add_action( 'init', 'my_add_rewrite_rules' );   

function mydid_add_rewrite_rules() {  

 global $wp_rewrite;    

 .... Added some rewrite rules here...



So far, everything works perfect.

After browsing the urls, I supposed that the database containing the rewrite rules was updated and I have commented the line:

// commented the line because this is an "expensive" action and I suppose that the 
// database is already updated
// $wp_rewrite->flush_rules();

However, after commenting, the url rewrite does not work. Why? Wasn't the database already updated?

p.s. I can not flush from the wp admin panel because of some theme's constrains...



  • Ok, found the problem...

    There was another "flush rewrite rules" somewhere else, which actually overriden the database. I commented it as well and everything works fine now.