
Android Image loader library with support for ETags, If-Modified-Since

I've been using for some time Android Http Image Manager, and recently I switched over to Android Universal Image Loader

I'm afraid neither of them have support for verifying if local cache is up-to-date.

What I'm currently looking for is an Image Loader library with community support and support for checking remote changes via ETag and/or If-Modified-Since


  • Question is answered from Github AUIL issue tracker. Thank you NOSTRA

    public class URLConnectionImageDownloader extends ImageDownloader {
        public InputStream getStreamFromNetwork(URI imageUri) throws IOException {
            URLConnection conn = imageUri.toURL().openConnection();
            // check etag/last-modification-date/... params
            // if image was changed then we should delete cached image from memory cache and disc cache
            // Delete image from caches
            String uri = imageUri.toString();
            File imageFile = ImageLoader.getDiscCache().get(uri)
            if (imageFile.exists()) {
            MemoryCacheAware<String, Bitmap memoryCache = ImageLoader.getMemoryCache();
            for (String cacheKey : memoryCache.keys()) {
                if (cacheKey.contains(uri) {
            return new FlushedInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(conn.getInputStream()));