Previously for custom widgets I used code like this:
var bar = $( "<div />")
.appendTo( "body" )
.data( "progressbar" );
but with jQuery UI 1.10 this code doesn't work any more... data("progressbar") doesn't return anything.
I tested it with the widget example from where the widget has name with namespace "nmk.progressbar"
In the upgrade guide from jQuery 1.9 to 1.10 I found this: but still have no idea what I should change in order get it working back...
You need to add a prefix ui-
to the previous key like ui-progressbar
From Doc
Widget instances now use the full name, including the namespace, e.g., ui-dialog instead of dialog
var bar = $( "<div />")
.appendTo( "body" )
.data( "ui-progressbar" );
Demo: Fiddle