
Promotional rules in Magento

I'm trying to get a promotional rule setup in Magento where if a user orders any items and the subtotal is between $100 and $200 they get 10% off. If it's more than $200, there is no discount and if it's less than $100 there is no discount either.

Right now I have it set to say if all of these conditions are true:

Subtotal is greater than $100

Subtotal is less than $200

But it's not applying the discount and I'm not sure why.

Here's a screen shot of what I have in the Conditions:

enter image description here

And here's what I have in the Actions section:

enter image description here


  • Remove all of the rules from your Conditions tab since you are trying to apply this to individual products.

    On the Actions tab, do the following:

    Actions Tab

    This will discount all items in the cart by 10% with the row total between $100 - $200.