I have several chunks in folder.
I would like to merge them into full.mp4
I tried to use:
avconv -f concat -i <(printf "file '%s'\n" /root/chunk/*.mp4) -y \
-c copy /root/test/full.mp4
Unknown input format: 'concat'
avconv -f concat -i <(printf "%s|" /root/chunk/*.mp4) -y \
-c copy /root/test/full.mp4
Unknown input format: 'concat'
avconv -i concat:`ls -ltr /root/chunk/*.mp4 | awk 'BEGIN {ORS="|"} { print $9 }'` \
-c:v copy -c:a copy /root/test/full.mp4
In last edition only one input file was catched to output.
How to merge all chunks from folder into full video?
I don't want to use ffmpeg or other. Avconv only.
avconv -i concat:file1.mp4\|file2.mp4 -c copy output.mp4
I don't know if works with any container's type ( worked for me with AVI