
How to work with protected model attributes--foreign keys (mass-assignment protection error)

In my application I have a course model that belongs to three other models: user, subject, and student_level (they include has many in model descriptions).

To be able to create a course, I declared foreign keys for two models in course model as attr_accessible.

class Course < ActiveRecord::Base
  attr_accessible :objectives, :title, :subject_id, :student_level_id

  belongs_to :user
  belongs_to :subject
  belongs_to :student_level

This is my _fields.html.slim file for creating a course:

= render 'shared/error_messages', object: f.object

= f.label :title, t("activerecord.attributes.course.title")
= f.text_field :title

= f.label :subject_id, t("activerecord.attributes.subject.title")
= f.collection_select(:subject_id, Subject.all, :id, :title_for_select)

= f.label :student_level_id, t("activerecord.attributes.student_level.title")
= f.collection_select(:student_level_id, StudentLevel.all, :id, :title_for_select)

= f.label :objectives, t("activerecord.attributes.course.objectives")
= f.text_area :objectives, rows: 15, cols: 10 

And this is my new method in courses_controller.rb

 #GET /courses/new
  def new
    @course =
    # @subjects = Subject.all
    # @student_levels = StudentLevel.all

Above code shows that I am mass-assigning subject and student level attributes.

What is bothering me, is that in Hartl's Ruby on Rails Tutorial for version 3.2 (for example, p. 536, listing 10.7) these foreign keys should be protected. And there is an example for protected foreign key assignment.

Right now everything works fine. Also, my config/application.rb contains config.active_record.whitelist_attributes = true

Right now if I remove subject_id and student_level_id from attr_accessible (so they become protected), the application gives

ActiveModel::MassAssignmentSecurity::Error in CoursesController#create

Can't mass-assign protected attributes: subject_id, student_level_id

My question: what is the best practice when creating an entity with two foreign keys, is there a way to create/edit without exposing foreign keys as attr_accessible for mass-assignment?

Thank you very much!


  #POST /courses/
  def create
    @course =[:course])
      flash[:success] = t("messages.course_created")
      redirect_to @course
      render 'new'


  • By looking at the code of your course form my _fields.html.slim, it looks like you are taking subject_id, student_level_id from user only through select box, so they should be accessible.

    What should be protected is : say for example, you have Institue model and course belongs to an Institue and you have a foreign_key as institute_id, then this institute_id should be protected.

    Other Example which I can give you is, say

    Project belongs_to User and User has many projects

    and you have a foreign key user_id in projects table :

    then while creating a project you should do something like :

    #This will create a new project object with user_id set as id of current_user 

    Now to create a project object with params :[:project])

    I am not sure that, their is any way to create a object with two protected attributes but definitely in your case the attributes subject_id, student_level_id should not be protected.