
GitLab configuration

I try to install Gitlab 5.2 on OS-X Server 10.8.5. I follow the procedure document from :

In the section of the document titled "Configure GitLab" they ask to edit the file "gitlab.yml" and change "" with the "fully qualified domain name" of your host serving Gitlab.

I dont understand what I need to change..

1. Do I need to change "host:" with "localhost" ? or with "server.local => what I get when typing "hostname") ?

2. What is "" ? Something to download and install on my computer (so where?)? What replace it ?

I think when I type the address on my browser :

"http://fully qualified domain name"

I will receive a page, from where comes that page (is it an index.html/php?) - where is the folder of that page/project...


  • By default, what you see in the config/gitlab.yml is:

      ## GitLab settings
        ## Web server settings
        host: localhost
        port: 80
        https: false

    That allows you to test Gitlab locally.

    If you replace:

    host: localhost


    host: ip.address (192.168.x.x)
    host: fqn (your fully qualified name)

    Then you will be able to test / access GitLab from another computer.

    So is an example of such a fully qualified name, and should be changed by your own.

    As explained here, check what host hostname returns.