I am writing a delphi project where I am having to create an access database. I am using ADOX for the purpose.
Let me admit, I am a novice when it comes to db handling, and I followed the tutorial on net and successfully created by CreateDatabase Procedure. What I want to do is ensure that a database with the given name doesn't exist and ONLY then create the db.
Procedure CreateDatabase(DB_Name:String);
dataSource : String;
DB : String;
Path := WindowsDirectory;{Its another function}
delete(Path, 2, length(path));
DB := Path+':\'+DB_Name+'.mdb';
DataSource :=
'Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0' +
';Data Source=' + DB +
';Jet OLEDB:Engine Type=4';
I've seen this sort of questions on mySql dbs, but none on access dbs nor have I been able to find any solution to the problem.
Pseudo-Code form of what I want :
if (DatabaseExists(DB_Name)) then
Some help on this issue will be helpful. Thank You :)
Regards Priyabrata Chakraverti
Checking to see if the database exists is simply a matter of checking to see if the database file exists. As Marcus Adams suggested in the comment above, the Delphi function FileExists
should do the trick.