
Calling Java from RPG, ClassNotFoundError for all user except me

I would highly appreciate your help with a ClassNotFoundError while calling a Java method from RPG. This happens when any other user, except me, tries to run my program. It literally seems a problem with CLASSPATH or access to jar files but I tried from that aspect too.

Explanation: I have an RPG program which calls a java method in a jar file. My CLASSPATH has the right jars included (JtOpen jar files). It works perfectly when I run the RPG program from a Green and Black screen (Iseries session manager). Where as it throws the following error message whenever another user tries to run it the same way:

RPG Procedure received Java Exception java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: when calling method "invokeApiPgm" with signature "([Ljava.lang.String;Ljava.lang.String;I[Ljava.lang.String;)Z" in class "callIceApi.CallIceApiPgm".

The signature above is also the same as that of the method i call. Does the class the Java is complaining seem to be that of AS400 or could it be mine? I can see that the AS400 class is available as public. The class object was created successfully by the constructor of my class. It just fails when calling the main method invokeApiPgm.

What do you think I am missing or messing up with, guys?

Thanks for your help!



  • How about a CL program that explicitly sets the classpath and then calls your RPG program?

    The CLP:

    ADDENVVAR ENVVAR('CLASSPATH') VALUE('.:/dir1:/dirA/dirB:/javaToolkit/jt400.jar') LEVEL(*JOB)

    This page may also be helpful.