
Clojure applying a map and keyword arguments destruction

Consider a function with the following signature:

(defn make-widget [& {:keys [x y] :or {x 10 y 20}}]

What is the best way to pass a map to the function, e.g.:

(make-widget {:x 100})


(make-widget {:y 200 :x 0})

What I have currently thought of is via vec, flatten and apply e.g.:

(apply make-widget (flatten (vec ({:x 100}))

I strongly believe there is a better way to do this. Can you please consider one?


  • I can't think of a more elegant way, either, though it seems to me to that there should be one (like a map-specific variant of apply).

    Using flatten has problems beyond not being very elegant, though. If the values of your map are collections, flatten will work recursively on those, too, so things could get totally mixed up. This alternative avoids that problem:

    (apply make-widget (apply concat {:x 100}))