I've have a little issue to expose:
I want to extract from an entity, suppose its name "CustomerDetail" all rows where a specific field (code) has only numeric characters.
In HQL doesn't exist ISNUMERIC() function like Sql Server, and the possibility to apply regex function.
A possible solution is the following:
FROM CustomerDetail C
AND C.code NOT LIKE '%B%'
and so on repeating this condition overall alfabetical letter and special characters.
I think this is a poor solution, with a low level of performance (enormous number of LIKE)
Please, can you advice me a more smart solution?
Thank you in advance
P.S. My application is multi DBMS so I can't use SQL query
Major edit: My bad, I mistook the just working function isNumeric() for a HQL function which is wrong. According to the doc HQL supports database scalar functions - and SQLServer (on which I tested) has an isNumeric() function.
I see two options now:
Option 1: You can write different HQLs for different databases which utilizes the build in functions like isNumeric() on SQLServer (but that's a huge step back in terms of "write once run everywhere")
Option 2: Write for every database you want to be compliant with a custom function in SQL and register it with the same name in your dialect.
I know, both options aren't terrific but I can't think of any other way to get it working.