I'm having trouble using Rhino Mocks to assert that a method was called (and ideally with a particular parameter). The Method is ILog.Debug(FormatMessageHandler) in Common.Logging 2.0 using the new lamba syntax. It works fine using the old way plain ILog.Debug(string).
// Sample Code to Test
public int TestFuncLambda(ILog log, int a, int b)
log.Debug(m => m("TestFunc START"));
int c = a + b;
log.Debug(m => m("TestFunc END"));
return c;
public int TestFunc(ILog log, int a, int b)
log.Debug("TestFunc START");
int c = a + b;
log.Debug("TestFunc END");
return c;
public void Should_log_start_TestFuncLamba()
var logger = MockRepository.GenerateMock<ILog>();
logger.Stub(x => x.IsDebugEnabled).Return(true);
TestFuncLambda(logger, 1, 2);
// Doesn't work, says zero calls plus I'm not sure how to check for the word "START" in the string either
logger.AssertWasCalled(x => x.Debug(Arg<FormatMessageHandler>.Is.Anything), o => o.IgnoreArguments());
public void Should_log_start_TestFunc()
var logger = MockRepository.GenerateMock<ILog>();
logger.Stub(x => x.IsDebugEnabled).Return(true);
TestFunc(logger, 1, 2);
// Works fine
logger.AssertWasCalled(x => x.Debug(Arg<string>.Matches(Text.Contains("START"))));
I figured it out. I was missing the Action part for the delegate. The proper syntax is:
logger.AssertWasCalled(x => x.Debug(Arg<Action<FormatMessageHandler>>.Is.Anything));
rather than
logger.AssertWasCalled(x => x.Debug(Arg<FormatMessageHandler>.Is.Anything), o => o.IgnoreArguments());
As mentioned o.IgnoreArguments() was redundant and not necessary.