i already shearch, and i never found this that i am asking, soo i want to know if it is even possible... or not ...
I am testing this in IPB.Board 3.4.5, with the app IP.Downloads.
I have this static url in my site that users can acess to download one file:
The original dynamic url is something like:
The change of the url is made by that app (IP.Downloads)...
so when the user insert in browser
1 mysite.com/text/2-filename.txt
2 mysite.com/files/file/2-filename.txt
I have done it! without .htaccess , i change the core files that rewrite the url...
see the Answer below ...
Thanks for any help.
I made it by changing the core files ... it is more simple for me, so i use this way. thanks @ravi-thapliyal for trying to help making this by .htaccess, but i prefer this way ...
First open this file:
Edit this code ['idmshowfile'] in the $_SEOTEMPLATES = array
This will tell the server that when the user go to (myserver.com/text/) they want to see the file...
'idmshowfile' => array(
'app' => 'downloads', 'allowRedirect' => 1, 'out' => array( '/app=downloads(&|&)showfile=(.+?)(&|$)/i', 'text/$2-#{__title__}/$3' ), 'in' => array( 'regex' => "#/text/(\d+?)-#i", 'matches' => array( array( 'app' , 'downloads' ), array( 'showfile' , '$1' )) ) ),
And add this code to $_SEOTEMPLATES = array, in any position ...
this will tell to server that if the user go to (myserver.com/files/file/) they will be rewrite the url (myserver.com/text/) , and see the file.
'idmshowfile2' => array(
'app' => 'downloads', 'allowRedirect' => 1, 'out' => array( '/app=downloads(&|&)showfile=(.+?)(&|$)/i', 'text/$2-#{__title__}/$3' ), 'in' => array( 'regex' => "#/files/file/(\d+?)-#i", 'matches' => array( array( 'app' , 'downloads' ), array( 'showfile' , '$1' )) ) ),
You can add as many rewrites as you want to the Forum, and create nice and friendly SEO URL.
Of course i know that this file can be overwrite in future updates of the app, soo i will make backup, and if possibel create an hook or app to make this (... if possibel).