
Why does my Perl PAR application immediately die?

This is probably a newbie question as I have just started using pp. I read the documentation on CPAN and tried to create an executable for my application. I use Camelbox and Tk on Windows XP, PAR::Packager version 0.991 (PAR version 0.994). To make sure pp works I created a very simple using Tk, compiled it into an .exe and ran it. So far so good.

When I use pp -o out.exe on my application and try to run out.exe, a console window appears and shortly after dies without error message. The problem is that I don't know where to start looking for a solution since there is no message. I tried to do the same using tkpp (a gui for pp) since it writes a log file - but the effect is the same and the log file is empty. Can someone please help me?


    1. Upgrade Module::ScanDeps to latest version (or 0.95) and retry

    2. Run you program from command prompt console window, copy error message and send it to PAR mailing list or PAR::Packer bug tracker