There is a TChart component in C++ Builde with one serie.
I add the data using AddXY method but I want the Y-Axis to have fixed minimum and maximum values and fixed step. I've managed to understand how the first two things are done.
So my question is: How can I define a fixed step for the Y-Axis in TChart component.
Important: I've tried using Increment property but it gives me distance from the origin and that's not what I want.
Chart1->LeftAxis->Automatic = false;
Chart1->LeftAxis->Minimum = M - 2 * S;
Chart1->LeftAxis->Maximum = M + 2 * S;
Chart1->LeftAxis->Increment = S;
Update: I'll try to explain more clearly what I want to be. After I defined the minimum and maximum for the chart, I want to make a fixed step for this. The code I posted above doesn't work properly because I need a fixed step beginning from Minimum value and not from zero value as the code in question does.
I've found the answer to my question. I appreciate that you were helping me. Thank you.
I just needed to change the Items propery of the axis.
Instead of Increment one should use
Chart1->LeftAxis->Items->Add(double Value);