I'm getting the weather for a city using openweathermap.org.
The jsonp call is working and everything is fine but the resulting object contains the temperature in an unknown unit:
"main": {
"temp": 290.38, // What unit of measurement is this?
"pressure": 1005,
"humidity": 72,
"temp_min": 289.25,
"temp_max": 291.85
Here is a demo that console.log
's the full object.
I don't think the resulting temperature is in fahrenheit because converting 290.38
fahrenheit to celsius is 143.544
Does anyone know what temperature unit openweathermap is returning?
It looks like kelvin. Converting kelvin to celsius is easy: Just subtract 273.15.
Looking at the API documentation, if you add &units=metric
to your request, you'll get back celsius.