
JavaScript merging objects by id

What's the correct way to merge two arrays in Javascript?

I've got two arrays (for example):

var a1 = [{ id : 1, name : "test"}, { id : 2, name : "test2"}]
var a2 = [{ id : 1, count : "1"}, {id : 2, count : "2"}]

I want to be able to end up with something like:

var a3 = [{ id : 1, name : "test", count : "1"}, 
          { id : 2, name : "test2", count : "2"}]

Where the two arrays are being joined based on the 'id' field and extra data is simply being added.

I tried to use _.union to do this, but it simply overwrites the values from the second array into the first one


  • This should do the trick:

    var mergedList =, function(item){
        return _.extend(item, _.findWhere(a2, { id: }));

    This assumes that the id of the second object in a1 should be 2 rather than "2"