
Getting data from Angular Promise

I am trying to get the response of MotorRestangular.all('Motors').getList() assigned to the variable a so I can use it later. The problem is that if I try to access a inside my return function it is undefined. I know that this isn't the correct way to accomplish what I need but I have no clue how do to it any other way.

myApp.factory('Configurations', function(Restangular, MotorRestangular) {
  var a;
  var Motors = function() {
      a = Motors;

  return {
    config: function(){
      var g = _.groupBy(Motors, 'configuration');
      var mapped =, function(m) {
        return {

            id: m[0].configuration,
            configuration: m[0].configuration,
            sizes:, function(a) {return a.sizeMm})



  • Please don't use deferred objects. If what you had in your answer worked - then this will work too:

    myApp.factory('Configurations', function (Restangular, MotorRestangular, $q) {
        var getConfigurations = function () {
            return MotorRestangular.all('Motors').getList().then(function (Motors) {
                //Group by Cofig
                var g = _.groupBy(Motors, 'configuration');
                //Map values
                return, function (m) {
                    return {
                        id: m[0].configuration,
                        configuration: m[0].configuration,
                        sizes:, function (a) {
                            return a.sizeMm
        return {
            config: getConfigurations()

    Additionally if an error happens, the returned promise is not left pending forever.