From origin to destination, I would like to know the direction of.
Simply want to know which direction is in the angle values.
In the image above, the angle value will be probably between 350-360. (Image source :,+Rithala+Rd,+Sector+12,+Rohini,+New+Delhi,+Delhi,+India&geocode=FYfstQEdJn-YBA%3BFY8-tgEd3Y-YBCnlvvwRTAENOTHixeyZbhPwSA&sll=28.697665,77.11956&sspn=0.062715,0.11055&hl=en)
I can't upload image. sorry.
How do I calculate?
Use google.maps.geometry.spherical.computeHeading()
with start_location
of the first leg
and end_location
of the last leg
as arguments.