
How to implement decrease-key in a Fibonacci heap to run in O(1) amortized time?

How can you get O(1) amortized complexity in the decrease-key operation on a Fibonacci heap? Just finding the node in the Fibonacci heap that contains the element takes O(n) time using a BFS, which should make it impossible to get O(1) amortized time.

For reference, here's my implementation of BFS to search for the node in question:

   public fHeapNode search(int x){
       Stack<fHeapNode> stack = new Stack<fHeapNode>();

        //Breath first searching
        while (!stack.empty()) {
            fHeapNode curr = stack.pop();

            if( {return curr;}

                if (curr.child != null) {
                fHeapNode start = curr;
                curr = curr.right;

                while (curr != start) {

                    if (curr.child != null) {
                    if( {return curr;}
                    curr = curr.right;


        return null;


And here's my code for decrease-key:

       public void decreaseKey(fHeapNode x, double k)
        if (k > x.key) {
        //throw new IllegalArgumentException("entered value is wrong");
        x.key = k;

        fHeapNode tempParent = x.parent;

        if ((tempParent != null) && (x.key < tempParent.key)) {

        if (x.key < minNode.key) {
            minNode = x;


  • Typically, when implementing a Fibonacci heap, your implementation of enqueue would return a pointer to the newly-inserted node. That way, you can store the pointer for later use. You're absolutely right that you'd have to spend O(n) time searching for the node if you don't have a pointer to it.

    As an example, here's my own personal implementation of a Fibonacci heap. The enqueue method is given here:

    public Entry<T> enqueue(T value, double priority) {
         // ...

    Notice how it returns an Entry<T> representing that node. The corresponding implementation of decreaseKey has this interface:

    public void decreaseKey(Entry<T> entry, double newPriority) {
         // ...

    Here, the parameter is the Entry<T> corresponding to the node holding the element whose key should be decreased. It's impossible to call this method without having the Entry<T> that was returned by enqueue because otherwise it would be impossible to implement efficiently.

    Hope this helps!