One layout template with three children templates.
{{template "tags"}}
{{template "content"}}
{{template "comment"}}
{{define "tags"}}
{{define "content"}}
{{define "tags"}}
type Tags struct {
Id int
Name string
type Content struct {
Id int
Title string
Content string
type Comment struct {
Id int
Note string
func main() {
tags := &Tags{"Id":1, "Name":"golang"}
Content := &Content{"Id":9, "Title":"Hello", "Content":"World!"}
Comment := &Comment{"Id":2, "Note":"Good Day!"}
I am confused that how to render each children template and combine the result to layout output.
As always, the doc is a good place to start.
I wrote a working example on the playground
To explain a bit:
&Tags{Id: 1}
, not &Tags{"Id":1}
{{template <name> <arg>}}
instruction. I used a ad-hoc Page
struct, but a map[string]interface{}
would do if you prefer.ResponseWriter
And the whole code:
package main
import "fmt"
import "html/template"
import "os"
var page = `<html>
{{template "tags" .Tags}}
{{template "content" .Content}}
{{template "comment" .Comment}}
var tags = `{{define "tags"}}
var content = `{{define "content"}}
var comment = `{{define "comment"}}
type Tags struct {
Id int
Name string
type Content struct {
Id int
Title string
Content string
type Comment struct {
Id int
Note string
type Page struct {
Tags *Tags
Content *Content
Comment *Comment
func main() {
pagedata := &Page{Tags:&Tags{Id:1, Name:"golang"},
Content: &Content{Id:9, Title:"Hello", Content:"World!"},
Comment: &Comment{Id:2, Note:"Good Day!"}}
tmpl := template.New("page")
var err error
if tmpl, err = tmpl.Parse(page); err != nil {
if tmpl, err = tmpl.Parse(tags); err != nil {
if tmpl, err = tmpl.Parse(comment); err != nil {
if tmpl, err = tmpl.Parse(content); err != nil {
tmpl.Execute(os.Stdout, pagedata)