I am working on an RoR app. I want to set a ttl for sold out items. The sold_out_status function returns the productIds of of sold-out products and is defined as:
def sold_out_status
query_str = params[:pids]
pids = query_str.split(",")
sold_outs = cache(request.fullpath.to_s, :expires_in => 3600.seconds.to_i) do
pids.select {|x| (Product.find(x).on_hand <= 0)}.join(",")
render :text => sold_outs
Is there a way I can cache the products in varnish and set a ttl for the sold-out products. Some research indicated that ESI could be a good idea. But, I could not find a detailed documentation which I could follow to implement this. Also, how can I access the output of sold_out_status in varnish?
EDIT: The sold out products on an page can be found by following a Request URL, the page corresponding to this URL contains ids of the sold-out products rendered as text.
Add the following in vcl_fetch
sub vcl_fetch{
if (req.url ~ "^/taxons/sold_out_status.") {
std.syslog(180, "setting TTL for sold out products");
set beresp.do_esi = true;
set beresp.ttl = 1s;