
AngularJS and impressJS working with external JSON

Let's say I am using angular for data-bindings and prevent me from using repetitive code:

<div id="{{}}" class="step" data-x="{{slide.x}}" data-y="{{slide.y}}" data-z="{{slide.z}}" data-rotate-x="{{slide.rotateX}}" data-rotate-y="{{slide.rotateY}}" data-rotate-z="{{slide.rotateY}}" data-scale="{{slide.scale}}" ng-repeat="slide in slides">

As you can see, I prepared that div so that it iterates through each object in this this JSON file:


The file perfectly loads using this:

App = angular.module('App', []);
App.controller('SlideCtrl', ($scope, $http) ->
       $scope.slides =

But somehow the output looks like this:

angular-impress output

Is there anyone who actually implemented angular and impress together?


  • I'm also working on this.. but little differently.. and my code works 100%. Here is my HTML Template

    <div ng-controller="agendaController">
       <ul><li ng-repeat="agendaItem in agendaItems" id="agenda-{{}}" class="step" data-x="{{agendaItem.x}}" data-y="{{agendaItem.y}}" data-scale="{{agendaItem.scale}}">

    and here is my javascript

    var app = angular.module('app', []);
    app.controller('agendaController', function($scope){
    $scope.agendaItems = [];
    contents = [
        "Various Stages in Construction of a building",
        "Stake-holders & their levels of hierarchy from TCS to Labour",
        "Survey Reports"
    for (i = 0, n = contents.length, x = -12000, y = -10000, scale = 2; i < n; i++) {
        data = {'id': (i + 1), 'x': x, 'y': y, 'scale': scale, 'content': contents[i]}
        y += 1000;