I've tried in every way imaginable to execute a shell command from command line but it simply doesn't work. What am I doing wrong?
C:\Console2\Console.exe -r runstuff.bat
C:\Console2\Console.exe -d C:\Console2 -r runstuff.bat
C:\Console2\Console.exe -r dir
Neither works. (Win7 x64)
I am playing with that now.
Did you try:
console2 -r "/K runstuff.bat"
The /K is needed to keep the command open after running the script.
The problem I'm having with the "-r" option is that I'm having to type exit twice to leave the window.
If you add the command to shell command (settings... -> Tabs -> Shell) field you will not have to type exit twice:
%comspec% /K runstuff.bat
I don't think the "%comspec%" is necessary (could use "cmd" instead), but I got it from an example somewhere on the web years ago. Console2's included help file shows using "cmd".