
pygtk: how to force message dialogs to show up in the center of the screen?

I have a glade GUI and i'm using dome gtk.MessageDialog widgets created with pygtk for user interaction. My problem is that whenever I throw a dialog message on the screen, they show up all over the place. One might show up on the top right corner, the next on the bottom left, top left, mid left etc...

Is there a way to force these things to show up in the center of the screen or at the position where the parent window is at?


  • Never mind. Found the solution.

    For others who might wander about the same thing, the solution to this problem lies in specifying a parent value to the gtk.MessageDialog construct. If you are using a glade gui, in your class, and your glade xml is loaded in to a variable named 'gui', it would look like this:

    par = self.gui.get_widget('your_parent_window')
    msg = gtk.MessageDialog(type=gtk.MESSAGE_INFO, buttons = gtk.BUTTONS_OK, parent=par)
        return None