
Does stage3d use OpenGL? or Direct3D when on Windows

WebGl is based on OpelGL ES 2.0. Is it correct to say that Stage3d is also based OpenGL? I mean does it call OpenGL functions? Or ot calles Direct3D when runs on Windows?

If no, could you explain me, what API does Stage3d use for hardware acceleration?


  • Good day, Stage3D isn't based on anything, it may share similar methodology/terminology. It is another rendering pipeline, this is why Adobe is soo pumped about it.

    Have a look at this: You can skip down to this heading "Comparing the advantages and restrictions of working with Stage3D" to get right down to it.

    Also, take a peak at this:, excerpt:

    The Stage3D APIs in Flash Player and Adobe AIR offer a fully hardware-accelerated architecture that brings stunning visuals across desktop browsers and iOS and Android apps enabling advanced 2D and 3D capabilities. This set of low-level GPU-accelerated APIs provide developers with the flexibility to leverage GPU hardware acceleration for significant performance gains in video game development, whether you’re using cutting-edge 3D game engines or the intuitive, lightning fast Starling 2D framework that powers Angry Birds.