My table looks something like this
id uniqueId userId album
1 1 1 Example
2 2 1 Example
3 1 2 Example
4 3 1 Example
5 2 2 Example
I would like to find the Album Title where userId => 1
and uniqueId => 3
(Where id => 4, but I won't have access to that, only the other two).
To do this I am attempting to getAlbumsByUserId($userId)
which will return a RowSet object with User 1's Albums. Then I am trying to get the album from the returned rowset with uniqueId => 3
Something like the below won't work
$albumObject = $albumTable->getAlbumsByUserId(1);
$row = $albumObject->select(array('uniqueAlbumID' => 3))->current();
This is the function which gets Albums by UserId as a RowSet
public function getAlbumsByUserId($userId)
$userId = (int) $userId;
$rowset = $this->tableGateway->select(array('user_id' => $userId));
return $rowset;
I could do a foreach on the RowSet object, to find the uniqueId with an if statement, but I have to think there is a better way.
I still haven't found a way to do a select from resultSet, but you can do 2 where conditions in the select array.
Maybe i don't understand what do you want exactly but how about making your query statement with join you have nice set of functions to accomplish that in Zend.
In your AlbumTable.php:
public function getAlbum($userId, $uniqueAlbumId){
$resultSet = $this->tableGateway->select()->where(array('userId = 1', 'uniqueId = 3'));
$row = $resultSet->current();
throw new Exception('No row found');
return $row;