
How setup libsvm in Android?

Im trying to setup libsvm in android to detect motion from accelerometer. I have no idea how to setup libsvm in android and how to use it. guys can you give clue for this ?


  • You do not setup libsvm, simply use the library wrapper for the language you are using to develop an app for android (Java I guess?). Wrapper is included in the official release. And it also includes the sample of usage of this particular library. There is nothing special here - if you know how to develop android app, then using additional library should not be a problem. If you do not know how to develop such an app - then starting from motion recognition is a bad idea. The same applies for ability to use SVM for anything. If you haven't ever used SVM it would be better to start with something simplier, like writing the "non mobile" version of the app and getting familiar with this model. Otherwise, probability of failing is quite big.