
PHP: Best way to extract text within parenthesis?

What's the best/most efficient way to extract text set between parenthesis? Say I wanted to get the string "text" from the string "ignore everything except this (text)" in the most efficient manner possible.

So far, the best I've come up with is this:

$fullString = "ignore everything except this (text)";
$start = strpos('(', $fullString);
$end = strlen($fullString) - strpos(')', $fullString);

$shortString = substr($fullString, $start, $end);

Is there a better way to do this? I know in general using regex tends to be less efficient, but unless I can reduce the number of function calls, perhaps this would be the best approach? Thoughts?


  • i'd just do a regex and get it over with. unless you are doing enough iterations that it becomes a huge performance issue, it's just easier to code (and understand when you look back on it)

    $text = 'ignore everything except this (text)';
    preg_match('#\((.*?)\)#', $text, $match);
    print $match[1];