We are recording audio with AVAudioRecorder but when ever we receive any incoming call Recording gets stopped. If we try to Resume recording again then it will start from the beginning. I have checked the Voice Memos(iOS Apple Application) & find the same problem. I have also checked the Audio Queue services Sample Code (SpeakHere) But same problem is there. So Please help how to resume audio recording after incoming call?
Note:- I Know there are many question related to audio recording But unable to find solution.So please Help, Your help is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
It is possible in iOS,to resume a audio recording after incoming call.Basic concept behind this is the use of AVAudioSession and AudioQueue ,when you receive a incoming call on your device it would give a kAudioSessionBeginInterruption and on disconnecting the call you got a kAudioSessionEndInterruption......on receiving a incoming call ,just pause the audio queue and then [[AVAudioSession sharedInstance]setActive:NO error:nil]; ......Then on the kAudioSessionEndInterruption ,when the call ends,just resume the paused queue and [[AVAudioSession sharedInstance]setActive:YES error:nil];
This will work......I have successfully run the program and able to continue the recording after receiving an incoming call......
Hope this will help you.......