
TFS print or export?

I would like to be able to print the backlog of the current sprint to view the progress. The thing is that the webbased Team foundation service is not very suitable for print.

I also did not find an option to export to Microsoft project.

I prefer to stick with an all microsoft solution. How do other people work with the webbased TFS

I really like the 21 october update but I cannot seem to find the print option.

It seems that I am the only one missing the print feature: So I think that I am doing something wrong.

ps. is this a question for stackoverflow or programmers?


  • There are third party solutions to allow you to connect to TFS from Word, but if you want to stick with an all Microsoft solution I would suggest using the Excel plug-in. You could use it to bring the content of a query into Excel, the format and print the results. It is installed along with Visual Studio or Team Explorer.

    A Team Foundation add-in is installed into each of the following Microsoft Office products when you install any edition of Visual Studio 2012 or Visual Studio Team Explorer 2012. The add-in requires Office 2007 version or later.