
googlevoice will not programmatically login (Python)

I am getting the following error traceback when my program tries to login to GoogleVoice (from googlevoice import Voice, util) to send SMS message.

    File "C:\Users\ble1usb\Dropbox\Git\ers-dataanalyzzer\", line 38, in call_mainframe
    ah.compare_status() # compares current status with historical status. alerts alarm team if necessary
  File "C:\Users\ble1usb\Dropbox\Git\ers-dataanalyzzer\", line 61, in compare_status
    self.megaphone = megaphone.MegaPhone()     # Am I going to have problems putting this here? I am getting relentless login fails due to the shitty googlevoice login
  File "C:\Users\ble1usb\Dropbox\Git\ers-dataanalyzzer\", line 18, in __init__
    self.voice.login(bl_google_credentials[0], bl_google_credentials[1])
  File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\googlevoice\", line 70, in login
    galx ="name=\"GALX\"\s+value=\"(.+)\"", content).group(1)

AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'group'

My program has been running successfully for the last several weeks. Every once in a while, the above error would get thrown and the error handling would just try again. Now, it has not had a successful login in several hundred tries.

One issue that I feel may be important is that the program was logging in every ten (10) minutes regardless of whether or not an SMS was sent (rare case, every few days at most).

In the above traceback, You can see that I moved the function call that performed the GoogleVoice login to within the loop only in case its needed. It is still having problems because there is an alarm notification that needs to be sent out.

I tried logging in and out of my Google account, no avail.

Here's a clue --> the following code was copied out of the file identified in the last line of the traceback (source of error):

def login(self, email=None, passwd=None):
        Login to the service using your Google Voice account
        Credentials will be prompted for if not given as args or in the ``~/.gvoice`` config file
        if hasattr(self, '_special') and getattr(self, '_special'):
            return self

    if email is None:
        email =
    if email is None:
        email = input('Email address: ')

    if passwd is None:
        passwd = config.password
    if passwd is None:
        from getpass import getpass
        passwd = getpass()

    content = self.__do_page('login').read()
    # holy hackjob
    galx ="name=\"GALX\"\s+value=\"(.+)\"", content).group(1)
    self.__do_page('login', {'Email': email, 'Passwd': passwd, 'GALX': galx})

    del email, passwd

        assert self.special
    except (AssertionError, AttributeError):
        raise LoginError

    return self

We should note that

galx ="name=\"GALX\"\s+value=\"(.+)\"", content).group(1)

is the source of the error and that (this is important) the line immediately above it says

# holy hackjob


  • I have been able to correct the issue. It appears that Google did make a modification:

    The patch is here:

    Or you can simply modify and change the offending line that begins with galx = to this:

    galx ="name=\"GALX\" type=\"hidden\"\n *value=\"(.+)\"", content).group(1)