
XAML property to start a storyboard animation on load

Well, as the title suggests:

I have a storyboard and I want it's animation to start without the intervention of code. The reason for this requirement is that I am targeting Silverlight Embedded and I am too lazy right now to recompile my application as well. And, coming to think of it, it will be easier to change the animation only in the future.

Does XAML have a property to make the storyboard run as soon as the xaml loads?


  • You can use the Loaded event to start your storyboard

    See MSDN for an example: Storyboard (Silverlight)

    Picked the example from MSDN:

          <!-- Animates the rectangle's opacity.
               This is the important part, the EventTrigger which will start our animation -->
          <EventTrigger RoutedEvent="Rectangle.Loaded">
                  From="1.0" To="0.0" Duration="0:0:5" AutoReverse="True" RepeatBehavior="Forever" />

    The object Rectangle has properties. In the Triggers property we defined an EventTrigger which will fire when this event will occur. We choose the Rectangle.Loaded event, which means it will fire when loaded ;).

    We add a BeginStoryboard property to begin our storyboard, and add a Storyboard. This animation will use a DoubleAnimation on the Opacity property, which means that in a duration of 5 seconds, the opacity will gradually fade to zero, and back (AutoReverse property) and it will do this Forever (the RepeatBehaviour property).