
How to install MPFR and GMP for C++ on visual studio

As I understand, I should first install GMP. The only tutorial I found for this purpose is http://cs.nyu.edu/exact/core/gmp/ and when I reach step 3: "Open gmp.dsw (gmp.vcproj for VC++.Net) to build GMP" I get many building errors. You can download it here: http://www.f2h.co.il/msbz68nzzip. There are many errors like "fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'fib_table.h': No such file or directory".

Is there an other tutorial? What should I do?

I'm using Visual Studio 2010 on Windows 7.


  • I met similar problem and had just resolved it by download precompiled MPIR and MPFR libraries instead of GMP which needs mingw or similar on Windows.

    Here is the link of my solution: How to install MPFR with Visual studio 2008 /2010

    Hope this help

    Now a perfect solution by @casevh can be found here: Build mpir/mpfr/mpc via VC++