
Django-tinymce + django-filebrowser-no-grapelli doesn'work

I am confused a bit. I have tried different ways and manuals, but nothing works for me. What I use: django 1.5, django-page-cms, django-tinymce. I need filebrowser for tinymce for using in admin. I stopped at , becouse it looks simpliest in usage and i don't need Grapeeli, which needs for So I need:

After doing those steps and correcting append.html (for django 1.5 - change url look), I receive error Reverse for 'tinymce-filebrowser' with arguments '()' and keyword arguments '{}' not found. when I want enter into the page, where tinymce (and filebrowser) are in usage. Google can't get me certain answer what I need to do.

So I am hope for your help. If anyone has worked with such libraries, can you tell me please, What I need to do in that case? Or is there another working filebrowser exists with the understanding configuration?

UPDATE. After adding tinymce urls and editing almoust all filebrowser templates (becouse of django 1.5). I have some problems:

Any ideas how to solve those problems?

UPDATE. For solving first problem you need put (r'^admin/tinymce/', include('tinymce.urls')), before url(r'^admin/', include(,.

For solving second problem you need use right package of django-filebrowser-no-grapelli, preferably where no flash_login_decorator for upload function.


  • It seems that you have not added django-tinymce urls in

    (r'^admin/tinymce/', include('tinymce.urls')),