I'm writing a bit of code which will write a text message within my app as shown below:
MFMessageComposeViewController *messageComposer = [[MFMessageComposeViewController alloc] init];
[messageComposer setMessageComposeDelegate:self];
// Check The Device Can Send Text Messages
if ([MFMessageComposeViewController canSendText]) {
[messageComposer setRecipients:[NSArray arrayWithObjects: nil]];
[messageComposer setBody:messageBodyText];
[self presentViewController:messageComposer animated:YES completion:NULL];
} else {
// Need to add an alert view
So I currently have an if statement checking that the device is capable of sending messages, but how can I add ANOTHER if statement within that? I basically want to decide what the message body is depending on a switch position within my view like:
If switch is left : Message Body is A
If Switch is Right: Message Body is B
Try given code. Check your switch value is in left or right, I'm consider your switch varible is yourSwitchIsRightSide.
MFMessageComposeViewController *messageComposer = [[MFMessageComposeViewController alloc] init];
[messageComposer setMessageComposeDelegate:self];
// Check The Device Can Send Text Messages
if ([MFMessageComposeViewController canSendText]) {
[messageComposer setRecipients:[NSArray arrayWithObjects: nil]]
//yourSwitchIsRightSide should be bool value
[messageComposer setBody:yourRightMessageBodyText];
[messageComposer setBody:yourLeftMessageBodyText];
[self presentViewController:messageComposer animated:YES completion:NULL];
} else {
// Need to add an alert view