I'm using zeus ruby gem on a vagrant for development the problem is that running any of the following commands
zeus start
env ZEUSSOCK=/home/vagrant/zeus.sock zeus start
env ZEUSSOCK=/tmp/zeus.sock zeus start
export ZEUSSOCK=/tmp/zeus.sock
zeus start
produces the following error
Starting Zeus server
Unable to accept socket connection.
It looks like Zeus is already running. If not, remove .zeus.sock and try again.
there is no .zeus.sock
file created in the project root directory or in any of the specified directories
how can i fix this problem without using NFS vagrant configuration
running on
Mac osx 10.9
Vagrant 1.3.5
zeus (0.13.3)
the solution I found was to update the zeus gem any version grater than 0.13.4.pre2
any of the upper commands works fine with me on version 0.14.0.rc1 and also on 0.13.4.pre2
version 0.13.4.pre2 works best with RAILS_ENV
, as of version 0.14.0.rc1 they suppressed executing test with RAILS_ENV