
Does azure's simulator use real connection from config for service bus?

When I use service bus locally with azure simulator it requires real connection in config like this

    <add name="StorageConnection"
            connectionString="DefaultEndpointsProtocol=http;AccountName=***;AccountKey=***" />

    <add name="Microsoft.ServiceBus.ConnectionString"
            connectionString="Endpoint=***;SharedAccessKeyName=RootManageSharedAccessKey;SharedAccessKey=***" />


Sometimes when I run it locally it seems that service bus tasks that I handle came from real connection described in config. But I'm not sure about this. And it is arbitrarily I cann't check it properly. So when service bus is started locally does it use real connection or not? If not why it requires for starting service bus with azure simulator?


  • The Azure emulator does not include a Service Bus emulator, only a Compute emulator (web/worker roles) and a Storage emulator (blob/table/queue).

    You'll either need to use the Azure Service Bus directly or install Service Bus locally (you can install to Windows 7 sp1 and Windows 8 for dev purposes). Information about Service Bus for Windows Server is here.