I'm trying to set up a dictionary of rules; the keys are strings, and I'd love to set up the values to be bitmaps.
I'm using NS_OPTION to declare items as such :
typedef NS_OPTIONS(NSInteger, PermittedDirection) {
LeftDirection = 1 << 0,
RightDirection = 1 << 1
typedef NS_OPTIONS(NSInteger, PermittedSize) {
SmallSize = 1 << 0,
MediumSize = 1 << 1,
LargeSize = 1 << 2
I have my rules dictionary defined as such :
@property (atomic, strong) NSMutableDictionary * rules;
later I instantiate it as such :
self.rules = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
later I try to add the bitmask (as below) and get an error since an enum isn't a pointer to an object :
PermittedSize size = SmallSize | LargeSize;
[self.rules setObject:size forKey:ALLOWED_FISH_SIZE];
is there an easy way to wrap these somehow without losing the ability to use the bitmask later on when I retrieve the values?
You can wrap it on an NSNumber
by using:
PermittedSize size = SmallSize | LargeSize;
self.rules[ALLOWED_FISH_SIZE] = @(size);
Then, when you retrieve it, just unbox the value:
PermittedSize size = (PermittedSize) [self.rules[ALLOWED_FISH_SIZE] integerValue];