I have a function which is constant to its argument, for example
let is_prime x = (test)
But it's pretty large and slow. So I want the result of it to be calculated only once while I'm calling it as often as I want.
I've tried to do it in a way I did it in not functional languages:
let _is_prime x = (test)
let mutable _is_prime_primes = []
let mutable _is_prime_tested = []
let is_prime x =
if List.exists (fun el -> el = x) _is_prime_primes then
if List.exists (fun el -> el = x) _is_prime_tested then
let result = _is_prime x
if result then _is_prime_primes <- x :: _is_prime_primes
_is_prime_tested <- x :: _is_prime_tested
But I think I'm deeply wrong. Caching such result must be something very common and simple for functional languages.
Here is the Internet Archive link.