I have found this problem in a book and am trying desperately to solve it. The Question itself is: Create a rooftop (non-flat roofs) with the maximum height. The Walls are either in an angle of 90 degrees or parallel.
My approach:
I have all the edge points. So I can use a scanline approach. I will sort all my points on the x-Axis and then y-Axis. I will then go through my whole list of points and draw a line in 45° to the walls. I will check if any line intersects with my current line I've already drawn. If there's no match I will go to the next point and draw another line 45° to the walls. Now the chance is high that the last 2 lines intersect and so I will make a new point at the point of intersection.
The problem I have is that there would be a lot of special cases. Is there an easier method which I did not think about? Are there other algorithms which are more suited for this kind of problem? What would be your idea to this kind of problem?
This is what imagine the roof to look like.
I'm not sure if that's what you meant, but my answer is aimed to achieve the roof with the maximal peek height, and not the maximal average height.
The maximal peek height in this problem is determined by the maximal square that can fit into your structure.
So to find it, you just need to look for the maximal square that can fit in and perform a simple pyramid height calculation. For example, if your found a square with an edge of a
, and you are constructing the roof with a 45 degrees angle from the base as you mentioned, then: Peek = sqrt(3)*a
Finding the maximal square shouldn't be a complicated task: for each corner in the structure, go in every direction (up, down, left, right) on a straight line until you go out of the structure (assume we obtained these values up, down, left, right
), the maximal square that can be constructed from a corner is the maximum value between min{up, left}, min{up, right}, min{down, left}, min{down, right}
. and the maximal square is the maximum value obtained from any corner.
Now construct a pyramid where from the corner with the maximal value. in the rest of the structure you can do whatever you want, as it won't surpass the height of this pyramid.