I have a character set conversion issue:
I am updating Japanese Kanji characters in DB2 in iSeries system with the following conversion method:
AS400 sys = new AS400("<host>","username","password");
CharConverter charConv = new CharConverter(5035, sys);
byte[] b = charConv.stringToByteArray(5035, sys, "試験");
AS400Text textConverter = new AS400Text(b.length, 65535,sys);
While retrieving, I use the following code to convert & display:
CharConverter charConv = new CharConverter(5035, sys);
byte[] bytes = charConv.stringToByteArray(5035, sys, dbRemarks);
String s = new String(bytes);
System.out.println("Remarks after conversion to AS400Text :"+s);
But, the system is displaying garbled characters while displaying. Can anybody help me to decode Japanese characters from binary storage?
Thanks a lot Jon and Buck Calabro !
With your clues, I have succeeded with the following approach:
String remarks = new String(resultSet.getBytes("remarks"),"SJIS");
byte[] byteData = remarks.getBytes("SJIS");
CharConverter charConv = new CharConverter(5035, sys);
String convertedStr = charConv.byteArrayToString(5035, sys, byteData);
I am able to convert from string. I am planning to implement the same with JPA, and started coding.