
Name is already used or reserved by Ruby on Rails?

I created a rails application with the following command:

rails new Education

Now, I am trying to create a new model in rails with the following command:

rails generate model Education name:string

When running it it returns the following error:

The name 'Education' is either already used in your application or reserved by Ruby on Rails. Please choose an alternative and run this generator again.

Since I just created a new app and only have one other model and I have a hard time thinking about any reason why Rails would reserve a name like that?

Any thoughts on where this error comes from and how I can work around it?

(I have tried changing the name to something else and it works as expected. Since the name really fits its purpose I don't want to change its name unless there is no other way!)

I am using Ruby 2.0.0 with Rails 4.0.0 and PostgreSQL


  • You may not create a model with the same name as the Application because it will create conflicting names. When you create an application i.e. rails new Education it will create a module named Education as follows

    module Education
      class Application < Rails::Application

    This named module is then called in files such as, routes.rb and environment.rb and many more. So if you were able to create a model class by the same name it would create ambiguity as to whether you were calling the Model or the Module.