
Facebook Like button not showing on Internet Explorer 7/8/9

Facebook XFBML Like button doesn't work on IE9. I've read many answers and tried all solutions but nothing work, maybe my problem is different. I just see an empty space.


<!DOCTYPE html>


<head prefix="og: fb:">

The button works on Chrome without a problem. I tried different combinations of attributes in the head and html tag but with no luck. Need your help.

Update: it seems that the iframe is there, but it has height and width equals to zero, as well as the surrounding span is 0.


  • Probably your parent container is not visible the moment the page is loaded? I had that issue and the only fix I found was using the iframe version of the button. But doing this, I removed the option to use the Edge.create events (Which I needed).

    I you only want a Facebook like button, and no call to a different URL when the button is pressed, you could use the Iframe version