
tabBarController unLoad itself after call modalView

I have tabBarController with 6 views. As default tabBarController load first view, I need to load view #6 at my application start, so in my tabBarController I add to viewWillAppear [self.tabBarController setSelectedIndex:6];, ok. In my view #3 a have 2 modal views witch I create in storyboard. When I tap a button I load my modal view, and when a close it [self dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:YES]; (I was in view #3) I see view #6, but I need to come back to view #3, so if I understand right when I call my modalView it unload my tabBarController and when I close it load tabBarController again with view #6, but i need to see my view #6 where i call my modalView, how can I fix it?

P.S. I hope you understand my English


  • I change order of items in my tabBarController in storyboard, change numbers of views in code and everything works. Thanks to all.