I have a program that generates jpgs. I would like to send these images to my virtual webcam when they are generated. I can create a virtual webcam using v4l2loopback
and have been looking at gstreamer, but can't quite get it to work.
I've tried gst-launch with multifilesrc, but that seems to only work when I have images already generated. I've also tried setting gst-launch to just send one image to the webcam and then just overwrite the image when a new one is generated. This, unfortunately, causes gstreamer to crash.
Does anyone know how I might be able to do this? I don't have to use gstreamer, but I am looking to do implement this in Linux, ideally in Python.
the following script will monitor a directory and pass every newly added image to gstreamer which will send it to the video-device (/dev/video0
, but change at will).
call with the path to monitor as the sole argument (e.g. ./pics2v4l2 /tmp/pics
inotifywait -m "${DIR}" \
| awk '$2== "CLOSE_WRITE,CLOSE" {print $1"/"$3; fflush()}' \
| while read f; do
gst-launch-0.10 uridecodebin uri="file://${f}" \
! ffmpegcolorspace \
! videoscale \
! imagefreeze \
! identity error-after=2 \
! v4l2sink show-preroll-frame=false device=${DEVICE}