I have a class that I made for some unit tests. Everything was going swimmingly until I changed the name of the class to match the class that I was testing suffixed with TestCase. All of a sudden every time I tried to run the test case in Eclipse I get a "There is no input configuration for this type".
Someone then suggested that there is a 30 character length limit on the name of the class. I had a look at the class name and it was 32 characters long. I then deleted two characters off the end and tried again and everything worked. I put them back and it stopped working.
Is there an explanation for this?
In response to some of the comments. It is Galileo, using Windows XP, JUnit 4.4.
Sorry guys. I guess I was wrong. The pattern seems to be that JUnit/Eclipse does not like my class name being TestCase. As soon as I take the TestCase part away it works. It works with a massively long string, short strings and everything in between. The name can be anything like ABCTestCase it just CANNOT be for some reason TestCase.
Turns out that it was because I was extending TestCase which makes the JUnit runner think it is still version 3. Even if you tell it to use version 4.