
NSTokenField suggestion is slow:what is the process?

NSTokenField takes quite a time to propose suggestion to the text I enter. More precisely, here is what happens:

  1. I type the letter "a"
  2. the method textDidBeginEditing: of NSTokenField is called immediately
  3. some time (approx. 1/2 to 1 second)
  4. the method tokenField:completionsForSubstring:indexOfToken:indexOfSelectedItem: is called and its execution is very quick.

I would like to understand what happens and possibly improve this situation.

My question:

What does happen between textDidBeginEditing: and tokenField:completionsForSubstring:indexOfToken:indexOfSelectedItem:?


Very strange: if I type ";" instead of "a", it goes much quicker! even though I did the following:

- (NSArray *)        tokenField:(NSTokenField *)tokenField
        completionsForSubstring:(NSString *)substring
            indexOfSelectedItem:(NSInteger *)selectedIndex
    return @[@"Hello"];


  • I think it is a bug of OSX 10.9.

    Here is what I did. The screen:

    enter image description here

    (the textField is a NSTokenField)

    Then, in a delegate for this NSTokenField, put the following code

    - (NSArray *)        tokenField:(NSTokenField *)tokenField
            completionsForSubstring:(NSString *)substring
                indexOfSelectedItem:(NSInteger *)selectedIndex
        return @[@"Jojo!!"];
    - (id)                        tokenField:(NSTokenField *)tokenField
           representedObjectForEditingString:(NSString *)editingString
        return @"Jojo the cat" ;
    - (NSString *)              tokenField:(NSTokenField *)tokenField
        return @"Jojo" ;

    You'll see, it bugs.