
jQuery Mobile Themeroller beta

Is there currently a beta version of the Themeroller for use with version 1.4 alpha 2 jQuery Mobile?

It's difficult to gauge how well the new jQuery with a focus on vectorized graphics is working without the colors in place.


  • There is no beta version of the jQuery Mobile Themeroller for 1.4.

    Jquery Mobile's Blog States:

    We are also still working on updating the ThemeRoller for 1.4, which takes more time than usual because of all the changes we made in the theme CSS.

    The latest CSS Version rc1 style sheet can be linked to here.

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="http://code.jquery.com/mobile/1.4.0-rc.1/jquery.mobile-1.4.0-rc.1.min.css">

    This stylesheet consist of only:

    data-theme="a" (Light - White Theme)


    data-theme="b" (Dark - Black Theme)

    Judging by the timing of releases I suspect the Themeroller 1.4 will be released around January.